48th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association

Courtland Grand Hotel
165 Courtland Street NE
Atlanta, GA 30303


Thursday, September 26

8:00pm – 9:00pm, Athens

Ulrike Draesner will read excerpts from her works „Die Verwandelten“ and „zu lieben“ with a discussion to follow.

Moderator TBD

Conference room: Athens


Zur Veranstaltung




Saturday, September 28

3:55pm – 5:45pm

DAAD German Studies Professors Roundtable featuring Ulrike Draesner (sponsored by the Arts Night Committee and the DAAD)

Roundtable discussion with Ulrike Draesner – Deutsches Literaturinstitut Leipzig, Anke Biendarra – University of California, Irvine, Nicole Sütterlin – Harvard University, Thomas Gurke – University of Minnesota, Peter Rehberg – University of Cincinnati
Moderator: Regine Strätling – Universität Regensburg

Conference Room: Piedmont

 Zur Veranstaltung